カレントテラピー 35-7 サンプル

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カレントテラピー 35-7 サンプル

Current Therapy 2017 Vol.35 No.7 81代替療法689Ⅵ おわりに食事療法で大切なのは,適正エネルギーの摂取(食べ過ぎずに腹八分目),栄養素のバランス(PFC比:たんぱく質13~20%,脂質20~30%,炭水化物50~65%),飲酒制限(飲み過ぎない),過剰なプリン体摂取と果糖摂取を避ける,である.献立は,尿酸値を上げやすくプリン体総量も中程度の肉類・魚類は1食あたり80 g程度にし,プリン体量の少ない野菜類,芋類,きのこ類を多めに使うのが良いと考えられる.また血清尿酸値を下げる働きのある乳製品やビタミンC,ポリフェノールを含む食材も勧められる.参考文献1)日本痛風・核酸代謝学会ガイドライン改訂委員会:高尿酸血症・痛風の生活指導.高尿酸血症・痛風の治療ガイドライン第2版.pp110-112,メディカルレビュー社,大阪,20102)Williams PT:Effects of diet, physical activity and performance,and body weight on incident gout in ostensiblyhealthy, vigorously active men. Am J Clin Nutr 87:1480-1487, 20083)疋田美穂,細谷龍男:高尿酸血症と肥満.高尿酸血症と痛風10:134-139, 20024)Gibson T, Rodgers AV, Simmonds HA, et al:A controlledstudy of diet in patients with gout. Ann Rheum Dis 42:123-127, 19835)Choi HK, Curhan G:Beer, Liquor, and Wine Consumptionand Serum Uric Acid Level:The Third National Health andNutrition Examination Survey. Arthritis Rheum 51:1023-1029, 20046)Choi HK, Atkinson K, Karlson EW, et al:Purine-rich foods,dairy and protein intake, and the risk of gout in men. N EnglJ Med 350:1093-1103, 20047)Choi HK, Curhan G:Soft drinks, fructose consumption, andthe risk of gout in men:prospective cohort study. BMJ336:309-312, 20088)Faller J, Fox IH:Ethanol-induced hyperuricemia:Evidencefor increased urate production by activation of adeninenucleotide turnover. N Engl J Med 307:1598-1602, 19829)Puig JG, Fox IH:Ethanol -induced activation of adeninenucleotide turnover. Evidence for a role of acetate. J ClinInvest 74:936-941, 198410)Kaneko K, Yamanobe T, Fujimori S:Determination ofpurine contents of alcoholic beverages using High PerformanceLiquid Chromatography. Biomed Chromatogr 23:858-864, 200911)Fukuuchi T, Yasuda M, Inazawa K, et al:A simple HPLCmethod for determining the purine content of beer andbeer-like alcoholic beverages. Anal Sci 29:511-517, 201312)Lieber CS, Jones DP, Losowsky MS, et al:Interrelation ofuric acid and ethanol metabolism in man. J Clin Invest 41:1863-1870, 196213)Yamamoto T, Moriwaki Y, Takahashi S, et al:Effect of beeron the plasma concentration of uridine and purine bases.Metabolism 51:1317-1323, 200214)Nishioka K, Sumida T, Iwatani M, et al:Influence of moderatedrinking on purine and carbohydrate metabolism. AlcohlClin Exp Res 26:20S-25S, 200215)Nakamura K, Sakurai M, Miura K, et al:Alchol intake andthe risk of hyperuriceamia:A 6-year prospective study inJapanese men. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases22:989-996, 201216)Wang M, Jiang X, Wu W, et al:A meta-analysis of alcoholconsumption and the risk of gout. Clin Rheumatol 32:1641-1648, 201317)Zhang Y, Chen C, Choi H, et al:Purine-rich foods intake andrecurrent gout attackes. Ann Rheum Dis 71:1448-1453, 201218)Kaneko K, Aoyagi Y, Fukuuchi T, et al:Total purine andpurine base content of common foodstuffs for facilitatingnutritional therapy for gout and hyperuricemia. Biol PharmBull 37:709-721, 201419)Lin WT, Chan TF, Huang HL, et al:Fructose-rich beverageintake and central adiposity, uric acid, and pediatric insulinresistance. J Pediatr 171:90-96, 201620)Yamada N, Iwamoto C, Kano H, et al:Evaluation of purineutilization by Lactobacillus gasseri strains with potential todecrease the absorption of food -derived purines in thehuman intestine. Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids35:670-676, 2016きわめて多い(300 mg~)鶏レバー,干物(マイワシ),白子(イサキ,ふぐ,たら),あんこう(肝酒蒸し),太刀魚,健康食品(DNA/RNA,ビール酵母,クロレラ,スピルリナ,ローヤルゼリー)など多い(200~300 mg)豚レバー,牛レバー,カツオ,マイワシ,大正エビ,オキアミ,干物(マアジ,サンマ)など中程度(100~200 mg)肉(豚・牛・鶏)類の多くの部位や魚類などほうれんそう(芽),ブロッコリースプラウト少ない(50~100 mg)肉類の一部(豚・牛・羊),魚類の一部,加工肉類などほうれんそう(葉),カリフラワー,ピーマン,なすきわめて少ない(~50 mg)野菜類全般,米などの穀類,卵(鶏・うずら),乳製品,豆類,きのこ類,豆腐,加工食品など表食品中のプリン体量食品100 g あたりに含まれるプリン体の量