カレントテラピー 33-9 サンプル

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カレントテラピー 33-9 サンプル

78 Current Therapy 2015 Vol.33 No.9922療でよい効果がみられるが,肝硬変での至適治療期間については,さらなる検討が必要である.Ⅵ 今後の開発予定2016年以降に開発されると考えられる薬剤は,SOFとGS - 5816の組み合わせ,ABT - 493とABT -530の組み合わせ,grazoprevir+elbasvir+/-リバビリン, アスナプレビルとダクラタスビルとbeclabuvirにリバビリンを加えるか加えないかの4 種類の開発が見込まれる13).今後のDAAに必要な条件は,①高い有効性,②忍容性が高いこと,③すべてのゲノタイプに有効,④短期間の治療,⑤耐性が少ない(高いgenetic barrier),⑥好ましい薬物動態(少ない薬剤量),⑦経口投与できること(IFNなし),⑧薬剤相互作用が少ないこと,⑨肝硬変やHIVの共感染にも用いることができる,⑩費用が安いこと,が挙げられている13).参考文献1) Jacobson IM, Gordon SC, Kowdley KV, et al;POSITRONStudy;FUSION Study:Sofosbuvir for hepatitis C genotype2 or 3 in patients without treatment options. N Engl J Med368:1867-1877, 20132) Zeuzem S, Dusheiko GM, Salupere R, et al;VALENCEInvestigators:Sofosbuvir and ribavirin in HCV genotype 2and 3. N Engl J Med 370:1993-2001, 20143) Sulkowski M, Jacobson IM, Ghalib R, et al:Once -dailysimeprevir(TMC 435)plus sofosbuvir(GS-7977)with orwithout ribavirin in HCV genotype 1 prior null responderswith metavir F0-2:COSMOS STUDY subgroup analysis. JHepatol 60(Suppl):S4, 20144) Lawitz E, Ghalib R, Rodriguez-Torres M, et al:Simeprevirplus sofosbuvir with/without ribavirin in HCV genotype 1prior null -responder/treatment-naive patients(COSMOSstudy):primary endpoint(SVR 12)results in patients withmetavir F3-4(Cohort 2). J Hepatol 60:S524, 20145) Sulkowski MS, Gardiner DF, Rodrigues -Torres M, et al;AI444040 Study Group:Daclatasvir plus sofosbuvir for previouslytreated or untreated chronic HCV infection. N Engl JMed 370:211-221, 20146) Poordad F, Hezode C, Trinh R, et al:TURQUOISE -II:SVR12 rates of 92-96% in 380 hepatitis C virus genotype1-infected adults with compensated cirrhosis treated withABT-450/R/ABT-267 and ABT -333 plus ribavirin(3D+RBV). J Hepatol 60:S5, 20147) Feld JJ, Kowdley KV, Coakley E, et al:Treatment of HCVwith ABT-450/r-ombitasvir and dasabuvir with or ribavirin.N Engl J Med 370:1594-1603, 20148) Ferenci P, Bernstein D, Lalezari J, et al:ABT-450/ r-ombitasvirand dasabuvir with ribavirin or without ribavirin forHCV. N Engl J Med 370:1983-1992, 20149) Poordad P, Hezode C, Trinh R, et al:ABT-450/r-ombitasvirand dasabuvir with ribavirin for hepatitis C with cirrhosis.N Engl J Med 370:1973-1982, 201410) Poordad F, Sievert W, Mollison L, et al:All-oral, fixed-dosecombination therapy with daclatasvir/asunaprevir/beclabuvirfor non-cirrhotic patients with chronic HCV genotype 1infection:unity-1 phase 3 SVR 12 results. Hepatology 60:1271A-1272A, 201411) Muir AJ, Poordad F, Lalezari J, et al:All-oral, fixed-dosecombination therapy with daclatasvir/asunaprevir/beclabuvir,±ribavirin, for patients with chronic HCV genotype 1infection and compensated cirrhosis;unity-2 phase 3 SVR12 results. Hepatology 60:1267A-1268A, 201412) Lawitz E, Gane E, Pearlman B, et al:Efficacy and safety of12 weeks versus 18 weeks of treatment with grazoprevir(MK-5172)and elbasvir(MK-8742)with or without ribavirinfor hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection in previouslyuntreated patients with cirrhosis and patients with previousnull response with or without cirrhosis(C-WORTHY):arandomized, open-label phase 2 trial. Lancet 385:1075-1086,201513) Asselah T, Marcellin P:Optimal IFN-free therapy in treatment-naive patients with HCV genotype 1 infection. LiverInt 35(Suppl 1):56-64, 2015