カレントテラピー 33-8 サンプル

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カレントテラピー 33-8 サンプル

76 Current Therapy 2015 Vol.33 No.8812細胞から産生される.RAの病変局所における発現が認められ,コラーゲン誘導関節炎モデルでIL - 20に対するモノクローナル抗体投与が有効であったことから14),IgG 4型抗IL -17モノクローナル抗体製剤(NNC0109 -0012)がMTX効果不十分患者に投与された(第Ⅱa相試験).主要評価項目である12週時点でのDAS28-CRPのベースラインからの変化がプラセボの約-0.9に比較して,3mg/kg週1回皮下投与群では約-1.8と0.88の相違で有意に大きく低下していた15).しかしながら,同時点におけるACR20, 50,70反応率はプラセボの各々32%, 14%, 5%に対して49%, 36%, 24%で統計学的有意差は認めなかった.この差異は特に血清反応陽性患者で顕著であった.有害事象としては感染症と投与部位反応があったが,重篤感染症の増加は認められなかった.Ⅶ おわりに残念ながらRAにおいてはTNFやIL - 6を標的とした治療を凌ぐ有効性を示す生物学的製剤は開発されていない.日本ではRAに適応を有するB細胞標的生物学的製剤がないことが,今となっては残念に思われる.RAをgatewayとした他のリウマチ性疾患への応用などを展望したうえで,さらなる新規製剤の開発に期待したい.参考文献1) Huizinga TW, Fleischmann RM, Jasson M, et al:Sarilumab,a fully human monoclonal antibody against IL -6Rα inpatients with rheumatoid arthritis and an inadequateresponse to methotrexate:efficacy and safety results fromthe randomised SARIL-RA-MOBILITY Part A trial. AnnRheum Dis 73:1626-1634, 20142) Genovese MC, Fleischmann R, Kivitz A, et al:Sarilumab plusmethotrexate in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis andinadequate response to methotrexate:Results of a phaseⅢstudy. Arthritis Rheumatol, 2015(Epub ahead of print)3) Mease P, Strand V, Shalamberidze L, et al:A phaseⅡ, double- blind, randomized, placebo - controlled study ofBMS945429(ALD518) in patients with rheumatoid arthritiswith an inadequate response to methotrexate. Ann RheumDis 71:1183-1189, 20124) Smolen JS, Weinblatt ME, Sheng S, et al:Sirukumab, ahuman anti-interleukin-6 monoclonal antibody:a randomized,2-part(proof-of-concept and dose-finding), phaseⅡstudy in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despitemethotrexate therapy. Ann Rheum Dis 73:1616-1625, 20145) Burmester GR, Feist E, Sleeman MA, et al:Mavrilimumab, ahuman monoclonal antibody targeting GM-CSF receptor-α,in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis:a randomized, doubleblind,placebo -controlled, phaseⅠ, first -in -human study.Ann Rheum Dis 70:1542-1549, 20116) Burmester GR, Weinblatt ME, McInnes IB, et al;EARTHStudy Group:Efficacy and safety of mavrilimumab in subjectswith rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 72:1445-1452, 20137) Takeuchi T, Tanaka Y, Close D, et al:Efficacy and safety ofmavrilimumab in Japanese subjects with rheumatoid arthritis:findings from a Phase Ⅱa study. Mod Rheumatol 25:21-30, 20158) Martin DA, Churchill M, Flores-Suarez L, et al:A phaseⅠbmultiple ascending dose study evaluating safety, pharmacokinetics,and early clinical response of brodalumab, a humananti-IL-17R antibody, in methotrexate-resistant rheumatoidarthritis. Arthritis Res Ther 15:R164, 20139) Genovese MC, Durez P, Richards HB, et al:Efficacy andsafety of secukinumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis:a phaseⅡ, dose-finding, double-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled study. Ann Rheum Dis 72:863-869, 201310) Genovese MC, van den Bosch F, Roberson SA, et al:LY2439821, a humanized anti -interleukin -17 monoclonalantibody, in the treatment of patients with rheumatoidarthritis:A phaseⅠ randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,proof-of concept study. Arthritis Rheum 62:929-939, 201011) Genovese MC, Greenwald M, Cho CS, et al:A phaseⅡ randomizedstudy of subcutaneous ixekizumab, an anti-interleukin-17 monoclonal antibody, in rheumatoid arthritis patientswho were naive to biologic agents or had an inadequateresponse to tumor necrosis factor inhibitors. Arthritis Rheumatol66:1693-1704, 201412) Stohl W, Merrill JT, McKay JD, et al:Efficacy and safety ofbelimumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis:a phaseⅡ,randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-rangingstudy. J Rheumatol 40:579-589, 201313) Genovese MC, Bojin S, Biagini IM, et al:Tabalumab in rheumatoidarthritis patients with an inadequate response tomethotrexate and naive to biologic therapy:a phaseⅡ, randomized,placebo-controlled trial. Arthritis Rheum 65:880-889, 201314) Hsu YH, Chang MS:Interleukin-20 antibody is a potentialtherapeutic agent for experimental arthritis. Arthritis Rheum62:3311-3321, 201015) ?enolt L, Leszczynski P, Dokoupilova E, et al:Efficacy andsafety of anti-IL-20 monoclonal antibody in patients withrheumatoid arthritis:A randomized phase 2a trial. ArthritisRheumatol, 2015(Epub ahead of print)