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カレントテラピー 33-6 サンプル
Current Therapy 2015 Vol.33 No.6 29咳嗽各論5656) Jinnai M, Niimi A, Ueda T, et al:Induced sputum concentrationsof mucin in patients with asthma and chronic cough.Chest 137:1122-1129, 20107) Takemura M, Niimi A, Matsumoto H, et al:Atopic featuresof cough variant asthma and classic asthma with wheezing.Clin Exp Allergy 37:1833-1839, 20078) Tajiri T, Niimi A, Matsumoto H, et al:Prevalence and clinicalrelevance of allergic rhinitis in patients with classic asthmaand cough variant asthma. Respiration 87:211-218, 20149) Ohta K, Bousquet PJ, Aizawa H, et al:Prevalence andimpact of rhinitis in asthma. SACRA, a cross -sectionalnation-wide study in Japan. Allergy 66:1287-1295, 201110) Matsumoto H, Niimi A, Takemura M, et al:Features ofcough variant asthma and classic asthma during methacholine-induced brochoconstriction:a cross -sectional study.Cough 5:3, 200911) Niimi A, Amitani R, Suzuki K, et al:Eosinophilic inflammationin cough variant asthma. Eur Respir J 11:1064-1069,199812) Niimi A, Torrego A, Nicholson AG, et al:Nature of airwayinflammation and remodeling in chronic cough. J Allergy ClinImmunol 116:565-570, 200513) Simpson JL, Scott R, Boyle MJ, et al:Inflammatory subtypesin asthma:assessment and identification using induced sputum.Respirology 11:54-61, 200614) Matsuoka H, Niimi A, Matsumoto H, et al:Inflammatorysubtypes in cough variant-asthma:Association with maintenancedoses of inhaled corticosteroids. Chest 138:1418-1425,201015) Niimi A, Matsumoto H, Minakuchi M, et al:Airway remodellingin cough-variant asthma. Lancet 356:564-565, 200016) Matsumoto H, Niimi A, Tabuena RP, et al:Airway wallthickening in patients with cough variant asthma and nonasthmaticchronic cough. Chest 131:1042-1049, 200717) Takemura M, Niimi A, Matsumoto H, et al:Clinical, physiologicaland anti - inflammatory effect of montelukast inpatients with cough variant asthma. Respiration 83:308-315, 201218) Irwin RS, French CT, Smyrnios NA, et al:Interpretation ofpositive results of a methacholine inhalation challenge and 1week of inhaled bronchodilator use in diagnosing and treatingcough-variant asthma. Arch Intern Med 157:1981-1987,199719) 新実彰男:咳嗽をきたす疾患の診断と治療:胃食道逆流症.総合診療 58:2116-2121, 200920) Matsumoto H, Niimi A, Takemura M, et al:Prognosis ofcough variant asthma:a retrospective analysis. J Asthma43:131-135, 2006