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カレントテラピー 33-11 サンプル
12 Current Therapy 2015 Vol.33 No.111062Ⅴ おわりに日々,世界中で新たな体液中miRNAを利用した診断法に関する論文報告がなされているが,実用化への道は長く険しいのが現実である.もちろん,従来の診断法も重要であることは間違いないが,血液を利用した低侵襲性かつ簡便に検査を行える診断法が開発されることは,患者にとっても大きな利点であろう.多種多様な細胞が体液中にmiRNAを分泌するため,がん以外の疾患の診断にも利用可能であり,さまざまな疾患でcirculating miRNAsの研究が進められている.採血や採尿で,疾病状態を含む生体内の多くの情報を引き出せる日が現実となり,多くの疾患において,早期で発見される人が増え,治療成績が向上されることを期待する.参考文献1)Gold P, Freedman SO:Demonstration of tumor-specific antigensin human colonic carcinomata by immunological toleranceand absorption techniques. J Exp Med 121:439-462,19652)Gold P, Freedman SO:Specific carcinoembryonic antigens ofthe human digestive system. J Exp Med 122:467-481, 19653)Thomson DMP, Krupey J, Freedman SO, et al:The radioimmunoassayof circulating carcinoembryonic antigen of thehuman digestive system. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 64:161-167, 19694)Nagasue N, Inokuchi K, Kobayashi M, et al:Serum alphafetoproteinlevels after hepatic artery ligation and postoperativechemotherapy:correlation with clinical status inpatients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer 40:615-618,19775)Chen DS, Sung JL, Sheu JC, et al:Serum alpha-fetoproteinin the early stage of human hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastroenterology86:1404-1409, 19846)Lee RC, Feinbaum RL, Ambros V:The C. elegans heterochronicgene lin-4 encodes small RNAs with antisense complementarityto lin-14. Cell 75:843-854, 19937)Sayed D, Abdellatif M:MicroRNAs in development and disease.Physiol Rev 91:827-887, 20118)Liu CG, Calin GA, Meloon B, et al:An oligonucleotide microchipfor genome -wide microRNA profiling in human andmouse tissues. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101:9740-9744,20049)Calin GA, Liu CG, Sevignani C, et al:MicroRNA profilingreveals distinct signatures in B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemias.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101:11755-11760, 200410)Lu J, Getz G, Miska EA, et al:MicroRNA expression profilesclassify human cancers. Nature 435:834-838, 200511)Witten D, Tibshirani R, Gu SG, et al:Ultra-high throughputsequencing-based small RNA discovery and discrete statisticalbiomarker analysis in a collection of cervical tumours andmatched controls. BMC Biol 8:58, 201012)Valadi H, Ekstrom K, Bossios A, et al:Exosome-mediatedtransfer of mRNAs and microRNAs is a novel mechanism ofgenetic exchange between cells. Nat Cell Biol 9:654-659,200713)Mandel P, Metais P:Les acides nucleiques du plasma sanguinchez l’homme. C R Seances Soc Biol Fil 142:241-243,194814)Leon SA, Shapiro B, Sklaroff DM, et al:Free DNA in theserum of cancer patients and the effect of therapy. CancerRes 37:646-650, 197715)Kopreski MS, Benko FA, Kwak LW, et al:Detection oftumor messenger RNA in the serum of patients with malignantmelanoma. Clin Cancer Res 5:1961-1965, 199916)Halicka HD, Bedner E, Darzynkiewicz Z:Segregation ofRNA and separate packaging of DNA and RNA in apoptoticbodies during apoptosis. Exp Cell Res 260:248-256, 200017)Ratajczak J, Miekus K, Kucia M, et al:Embryonic stem cellderivedmicrovesicles reprogram hematopoietic progenitors:evidence for horizontal transfer of mRNA and proteindelivery. Leukemia 20:847-856, 200618)Arroyo JD, Chevillet JR, Kroh EM, et al:Argonaute2 complexescarry a population of circulating microRNAs independentof vesicles in human plasma. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A108:5003-5008, 201119)Vickers KC, Palmisano BT, Shoucri BM, et al:MicroRNAsare transported in plasma and delivered to recipient cells byhigh-density lipoproteins. Nat Cell Biol 13:423-433, 201120)Wang K, Zhang S, Weber J, et al:Export of microRNAs andmicroRNA-protective protein by mammalian cells. NucleicAcids Res 38:7248-7259, 201021)Zernecke A, Bidzhekov K, Noels H, et al:Delivery ofmicroRNA-126 by apoptotic bodies induces CXCL12-dependentvascular protection. Sci Signal 2:ra81, 200922)Lawrie CH, Gal S, Dunlop HM, et al:Detection of elevatedlevels of tumour-associated microRNAs in serum of patientswith diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Br J Haematol 141:672-675, 200823)Ogata-Kawata H, Izumiya M, Kurioka D, et al:Circulatingexosomal microRNAs as biomarkers of colon cancer. PLoSOne 9:e92921, 201424)Chen X, Liang H, Guan D, et al:A combination of Let-7d,Let-7g and Let-7i serves as a stable reference for normalizationof serum microRNAs. PLoS One 8:e79652, 201325)Zheng G, Wang H, Zhang X, et al:Identification and validationof reference genes for qPCR detection of serum microRNAsin colorectal adenocarcinoma patients. PLoS One 8:e83025, 201326)Hu J, Wang Z, Liao BY, et al:Human miR-1228 as a stableendogenous control for the quantification of circulatingmicroRNAs in cancer patients. Int J Cancer 135:1187-1194,2014