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カレントテラピー 33-10 サンプル
Current Therapy 2015 Vol.33 No.10 13変貌するパーキンソン病の概念957αシヌクレインの正確なイメージング技術が開発されれば,病態に基づいた病態抑止治療の開発へ大きく前進すると思われる.もちろん全身病として管理することは,現時点におけるQOL改善のためにも極めて重要である.今後の更なる研究の推進が待たれる.参考文献1)Berg D, Postuma RB, Bloem B, et al:Time to redefine PD?Introductory statement of the MDS Task Force on the definitionof Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord 29:454-462, 20142)Fearnley JM, Lees AJ:Ageing and Parkinson’s disease:substantia nigra regional selectivity. Brain:a journal of neurology114:2283-2301, 19913)Kordower JH, Olanow CW, Dodiya HB, et al:Disease durationand the integrity of the nigrostriatal system in Parkinson’sdisease. Brain:a journal of neurology 136:2419-2431,20134)Jankovic J:Progression of Parkinson disease:are we makingprogress in charting the course? Arch Neurol 62:351-352, 20055)Schrag A, Horsfall L, Walters K, et al:Prediagnostic presentationsof Parkinson’s disease in primary care:a case-controlstudy. Lancet Neurol 14:57-64, 20156)Postuma RB, Gagnon JF, Pelletier A, et al:Prodromal autonomicsymptoms and signs in Parkinson’s disease anddementia with Lewy bodies. Mov Disord 28:597-604, 20137)Siderowf A, Lang AE:Premotor Parkinson’s disease:conceptsand definitions. Mov Disord 27:608-616, 20128)Braak H, Rub U, Sandmann-Keil D, et al:Parkinson’s disease:affection of brain stem nuclei controlling premotor andmotor neurons of the somatomotor system. Acta Neuropathol99:489-495, 20009)Zaccai J, Brayne C, McKeith I, et al;MRC Cognitive Function,Ageing Neuropathology Study:Patterns and stages ofalpha -synucleinopathy:Relevance in a population -basedcohort. Neurology 70:1042-1048, 200810)Del Tredici K, Braak H:Lewy pathology and neurodegenerationin premotor Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord 27:597-607, 201211)Jennings D, Siderowf A, Stern M, et al;PARS Investigators:Imaging prodromal Parkinson disease:the ParkinsonAssociated Risk Syndrome Study. Neurology 83:1739-1746,201412)Iranzo A, Valldeoriola F, Lomena F, et al:Serial dopaminetransporter imaging of nigrostriatal function in patients withidiopathic rapid-eye-movement sleep behaviour disorder:aprospective study. Lancet Neurol 10:797-805, 201113)Svensson E, Horvath-Puho E, Thomsen RW, et al:Vagotomyand subsequent risk of Parkinson’s disease. Ann Neurol,2015(Epub ahead of print)14)Lin MK, Farrer MJ:Genetics and genomics of Parkinson’sdisease. Genome Med 6:48, 201415)Boeve BF:Idiopathic REM sleep behaviour disorder in thedevelopment of Parkinson’s disease. Lancet Neurol 12:469-482, 201316)Iranzo A, Tolosa E, Gelpi E, et al:Neurodegenerative diseasestatus and post-mortem pathology in idiopathic rapideye-movement sleep behaviour disorder:an observationalcohort study. Lancet Neurol 12:443-453, 201317)Conte A, Khan N, Defazio G, et al:Pathophysiology ofsomatosensory abnormalities in Parkinson disease. Nat RevNeurol 9:687-697, 201318)Fereshtehnejad SM, Romenets SR, Anang JB, et al:NewClinical Subtypes of Parkinson Disease and Their LongitudinalProgression:A Prospective Cohort Comparison WithOther Phenotypes. JAMA Neurol, 2015(Epub ahead ofprint)19)Anang JB, Gagnon JF, Bertrand JA, et al:Predictors ofdementia in Parkinson disease:a prospective cohort study.Neurology 83:1253-1260, 201420)Storch A, Schneider CB, Wolz M, et al:Nonmotor fluctuationsin Parkinson disease:severity and correlation withmotor complications. Neurology 80:800-809, 2013