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カレントテラピー 32-5 サンプル
Current Therapy 2014 Vol.32 No.5 45薬物治療459Ⅲ おわりにRAと診断された場合,早期からcsDMARDsで治療を開始し,3カ月以内に低疾患活動性または寛解を達成していない場合は,個々の症例のリスク・ベネフィットを考慮し,csDMARDsの変更や追加,さらにはbDMARDsの追加併用を検討する.また,構造的寛解,機能的寛解も考慮し,レントゲンやhealthassessment questionnaireを用いた身体機能障害度の評価も施行し,より良いQOLの維持に努めることが大切である.参考文献1) Smolen JS, Landewe R, Breedveld FC, et al:EULAR recommendationsfor the management of rheumatoid arthritis withsynthetic and biological disease -modifying antirheumaticdrugs:2013 update. Ann Rheum Dis 0:1-18, 20132) 日本リウマチ学会MTX診療ガイドライン策定小委員会:関節リウマチ治療におけるメトトレキサート(MTX)診療ガイドライン2011年版.pp19-27,株式会社羊土社,東京, 20113) Grigor C, Capell H, Stirling A, et al:Effect of a treatmentstrategy of tight control for rheumatoid arthritis(the TICORAstudy):a single-blind randomised controlled trial. Lancet364:263-269, 20044) Verstappen SM, Jacobs JW, van der Veen MJ, et al;UtrechtRheumatoid Arthritis Cohort study group:Intensive treatmentwith methotrexate in early rheumatoid arthritis:aimingfor remission. Computer Assisted Management in EarlyRheumatoid Arthritis(CAMERA, an open -label strategytrial). Ann Rheum Dis 66:1443-1449, 20075) Endresen GK, Husby G:Folate supplementation duringmethotrexate treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.An update and proposals for guidelines. Scand J Rheumatol30:129-134, 20016) van Vollenhoven RF, Geborek P, Forslind K, et al;Swefotstudy group:Conventional combination treatment versusbiological treatment in methotrexate-refractory early rheumatoidarthritis:2 year follow-up of the randomised, nonblinded,parallel-group Swefot trial. Lancet 379:1712-1720,20127) 厚生労働省研究班:診断のマニュアルとEBMに基づく治療ガイドライン.pp84-92,財団法人日本リウマチ財団,東京,平成16年8) Capell HA, Madhok R, Porter DR, et al:Combination therapywith sulfasalazine and methotrexate is more effectivethan either drug alone in patients with rheumatoid arthritiswith a suboptimal response to sulfasalazine:results from thedouble -blind placebo -controlled MASCOT study. AnnRheum Dis 66:235-241, 20079) Dougados M, Combe B, Cantagrel A, et al:Combinationtherapy in early rheumatoid arthritis:a randomised, controlled,double blind 52 week clinical trial of sulphasalazineand methotrexate compared with the single components.Ann Rheum Dis 58:220-225, 199910) Iwatani M, Inoue E, Nakamura T, et al:Efficacy profile ofbucillamine in rheumatoid arthritis patients in a large observationalcohort study, IORRA. Mod Rheumatol 26:376-380,200611) Sagawa A, Fujisaku A, Ohnishi K, et al:A multicentre trialof bucillamine in the treatment of early rheumatoid arthritis(SNOW study). Mod Rheumatol 21:251-257, 201112) Ichikawa Y, Saito T, Yamanaka H, et al;MTX-BUC CombinationStudy Group;Japanese Ministry of Health;Labourand Welfare’s "Research for Establishment of TherapeuticGuidelines in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis":Therapeuticeffects of the combination of methotrexate and bucillamine inearly rheumatoid arthritis:a multicenter, double-blind, randomizedcontrolled study. Mod Rheumatol 15:323-328, 200513) 西谷皓次,太田善介:慢性関節リウマチ内科治療への工夫 SH剤の最新の使い方 効果と副作用.リウマチ科 5:42-47, 199114) Hoshino J, Ubara Y, Hara S, et al:Outcome and treatment ofbucillamine-induced nephropathy. Nephron Clin Pract 104:c15-c19, 200615) Morita Y, Sasae Y, Sakuta T, et al:Efficacy of low -dosetacrolimus added to methotrexate in patients with rheumatoidarthritis in Japan:a retrospective study. Mod Rheumatol18:379-384, 200816) Suzuki K, Saito K, Tsujimura S, et al:Tacrolimus, a calcineurininhibitor, overcomes treatment unresponsiveness mediatedby P-glycoprotein on lymphocytes in refractory rheumatoidarthritis. J Rheumatol 37:512-520, 201017) Hara M, Abe T, Sugawara S, et al:Efficacy and safety ofiguratimod compared with placebo and salazosulfapyridine inactive rheumatoid arthritis:a controlled, multicenter, double-blind, parallel -group study. Mod Rheumatol 17:1-9,200718) Ishiguro N, Yamamoto K, Katayama K, et al;Iguratimod -Clinical Study Group:Concomitant iguratimod therapy inpatients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite stable dosesof methotrexate:a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlledtrial. Mod Rheumatol 23:430-439, 2013