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カレントテラピー32-3 サンプル
Current Therapy 2014 Vol.32 No.3 89家庭血圧の新展開291評価方法としては,横断研究と前向き研究の2段階で実施する.横断研究では,ベースラインデータ,夜間血圧,酸素飽和度の測定結果から,本研究対象者における夜間高血圧,酸素飽和度の実態の検討を行う.具体的には,治療抵抗性高血圧患者または循環器疾患患者における夜間高血圧,夜間低酸素の頻度,または夜間低酸素に伴う夜間高血圧の頻度およびその規定因子を明らかにする.前向き研究では,ベースライン時に得られた情報を含め,夜間血圧の程度および夜間低酸素の程度とエンドポイントとの因果関係を明らかにする予定である.Ⅴ おわりに以上,夜間家庭血圧計の開発状況とその臨床応用について述べた.今後も機器の進化・改良を進めるとともに,その臨床エビデンスを蓄積していくことで,近い将来日常診療において,当たり前のように家庭で夜間血圧が測定され,診療に活用される世界を目指したい.その重要な役割を担うと期待するSPREAD研究は,まだその緒に就いたばかりであるが,本研究の成果を基に,夜間家庭血圧モニタリングによる心血管リスクの評価法が確立され,さらに高血圧個別診療の確立に貢献できればと思う.本研究の趣旨にご賛同いただき,研究参画にご興味をおもちになられたら,当部門までご一報いただければ幸いである.参考文献1)The Japanese 5th Basic Survey of Cardiovascular Diseases in2000.2)Pickering TG, Miller NH, Ogedegbe G, et al;American HeartAssociation;American Society of Hypertension;PreventiveCardiovascular Nurses Association:Call to action on use andreimbursement for home blood pressure monitoring:executivesummary:a joint scientific statement from the AmericanHeart Association, American Society Of Hypertension, andPreventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association. Hypertension52:1-9, 20083)O’Brien E, Asmar R, Beilin L, et al;European Society ofHypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring:Practice guidelines of the European Society of Hypertensionfor clinic, ambulatory and self blood pressure measurement. JHypertens 23:697-701, 20054)Ogihara T, Kikuchi K, Matsuoka H, et al;Japanese Societyof Hypertension Committee:The Japanese Society of HypertensionGuidelines for the Management of Hypertension(JSH2009). Hypertens Res 32:3-107, 20095)Fagard RH, Van Den Broeke C, De Cort P:Prognosticsignificance of blood pressure measured in the office, athome and during ambulatory monitoring in older patients ingeneral practice. J Hum Hypertens 19:801-807, 20056)Staessen JA, Thijs L, Fagard R, et al:Predicting cardiovascularrisk using conventional vs ambulatory blood pressure inolder patients with systolic hypertension. Systolic Hypertensionin Europe Trial Investigators. JAMA 282:539-546, 19997)Kikuya M, Ohkubo T, Asayama K, et al:Ambulatory bloodpressure and 10-year risk of cardiovascular and noncardiovascularmortality:the Ohasama study. Hypertension 45:240-245, 20058)Dolan E, Stanton AV, Thom S, et al;ASCOT Investigators:Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring predicts cardiovascularevents in treated hypertensive patients- -an Anglo-Scandinaviancardiac outcomes trial substudy. J Hypertens 27:876-885, 20099)Shirasaki O, Terada H, Niwano K, et al:The Japan HomehealthApparatus Industrial Association:investigation ofhome -use electronic sphygmomanometers. Blood PressMonit 6:303-307, 200110)Imai Y, Obara T, Asamaya K, et al:The reason why homeblood pressure measurements are preferred over clinic orambulatory blood pressure in Japan. Hypertens Res 36:661-672, 201311)Ishikawa J, Hoshide S, Eguchi K, et al;Japan MorningSurge-Home Blood Pressure Study Investigators Group:Nighttime home blood pressure and the risk of hypertensivetarget organ damage. Hypertension 60:921-928, 201212)Pedrosa RP, Drager LF, Gonzaga CC, et al:Obstructivesleep apnea:the most common secondary cause of hypertensionassociated with resistant hypertension. Hypertension58:811-817, 201113)Muller JE, Ludmer PL, Willich SN, et al:Circadian variationin the frequency of sudden cardiac death. Circulation 75:131-138, 198714)Gami AS, Howard DE, Olson EJ, et al:Day-night pattern ofsudden death in obstructive sleep apnea. N Engl J Med352:1206-1214, 200515)Shirasaki O, Yamashita S, Kawara S, et al:A new techniquefor detecting sleep apnea-related “midnight” surge of bloodpressure. Hypertens Res 29:695-702, 200616)Shirasaki O, Kuwabara M, Saito M, et al:Development andclinical application of a new technique for detecting ’sleepblood pressure surges’ in sleep apnea patients based on avariable desaturation threshold. Hypertens Res 34:922-928,201117)Kario K:Proposal of a new strategy for ambulatory bloodpressure profile-based management of resistant hypertensionin the era of renal denervation. Hypertens Res 36:478-484, 201318)Kario K:Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and hypertension:ambulatory blood pressure. Hypertens Res 32:428-432, 2009