カレントテラピー 32-11 サンプル

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カレントテラピー 32-11 サンプル

Current Therapy 2014 Vol.32 No.11 71治療におけるトピックス11232 薬物治療について尿酸降下薬はその作用機序の違いにより尿酸排泄促進薬と尿酸生成抑制薬に分けられる.尿酸排泄促進薬は3種類,尿酸生成抑制薬は2種類ある.CKD患者においては尿酸排泄促進薬の効果が減弱するため,尿酸生成抑制薬であるアロプリノールを使用したり,腎機能が低下しても比較的効果が認められるベンズブロマロンとアロプリノールが併用されることが今までは多かった.しかしアロプリノールは,安全性への懸念から腎機能が低下した患者に対して十分な用量を用いて尿酸を低下させることが難しい.そのようななか,フェブキソスタットの登場により腎機能が低下した患者においても十分な用量を用いて尿酸を低下させることが可能となった.今後は,従来,生活指導が中心とされてきたCKDを伴う高尿酸血症への薬物治療による腎保護効果の有無を明確にすることが重要である.現在フェブキソスタットを使用して行われている多施設共同,プラセボ対照,二重盲検,ランダム化比較試験(FEATHER試験)の結果が待たれる23).参考文献1) Mikkelsen WM, Dodge HJ, Valkenburg H:The distributionof serum uric acid values in a population unselected as togout or hyperuricemia:Tecumseh, Michigan 1959-1960. AmJ Med 39:242-251, 19652) Iseki K, Ikemiya Y, Inoue T, et al:Significance of hyperuricemiaas a risk factor for developing ESRD in a screenedcohort. Am J Kidney Dis 44:642-650, 20043) Neogi T:Clinical practice. Gout. N Engl J Med 364:443-452, 20114) Moe OW:Posing the question again:does chronic uric acidnephropathy exist? J Am Soc Nephrol 21:395-397, 20105) Yu MA, Sanchez-Lozada LG, Johnson RJ, et al:Oxidativestress with an activation of the renin-angiotensin system inhuman vascular endothelial cells as a novel mechanism ofuric acid-induced endothelial dysfunction. J Hypertens 28:1234-1242, 20106) 辻 裕之,天川和久,大本由起子ほか:慢性腎臓病予測因子としての尿酸値の意義.人間ドック 23:23-28, 20087) Iseki K, Oshiro S, Tozawa M, et al:Significance of hyperuricemiaon the early detection of renal failure in a cohort ofscreened subjects. Hypertens Res 24:691-697, 20018) Tomita M, Mizuno S, Yamanaka H, et al:Does hyperuricemiaaffect mortality? A prospective cohort study of Japanesemale workers. J Epidemiol 10:403-409, 20009) Bellomo G, Venanzi S, Verdura C, et al:Association of uricacid with change in kidney function in healthy normotensiveindividuals. Am J Kidney Dis 56:264-272, 201010) Weiner DE, Tighiouart H, Elsayed EF, et al:Uric acid andincident kidney disease in the community. J Am Soc Nephrol19:1204-1211, 200811) Siu YP, Leung KT, Tong MK, et al:Use of allopurinol inslowing the progression of renal disease through its ability tolower serum uric acid level. Am J Kidney Dis 47:51-59,200612) Goicoechea M, de Vinuesa SG, Verdalles U, et al:Effect ofAllopurinol in Chronic Kidney Disease Progression and CardiovascularRisk. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5:1388-1393, 201013) Grabowski BA, Khosravan R, Vernillet L, et al:Metabolismand excretion of[14C]febuxostat, a novel nonpurine selectiveinhibitor of xanthine oxidase, in healthy male subjects. JClin Pharmacol 51:189-201, 201114) Garcia -Valladares I, Khan T, Espinoza LR:Efficacy andsafety of febuxostat in patients with hyperuricemia and gout.Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis 3:245-253, 201115) Becker MA, Schumacher HR, Espinoza LR, et al:The urateloweringefficacy and safety of febuxostat in the treatment ofthe hyperuricemia of gout:the CONFIRMS trial. ArthritisRes Ther 12:R63, 201016) Goldfarb DS, MacDonald PA, Hunt B, et al:Febuxostat ingout:serum urate response in uric acid overproducers andunderexcretors. J Rheumatol 38:1385-1389, 201117) Shibagaki Y, Ohno I, Hosoya T, et al:Safety, efficacy andrenal effect of febuxostat in patients with moderate -to -severe kidney dysfunction. Hypertens Res, 2014(Epub aheadof print)18) Schumacher HR, Becker MA, Lloyd E, et al:Febuxostat inthe treatment of gout:5-yr findings of the FOCUS efficacyand safety study. Rheumatology(Oxford) 48:188-194, 200919) Whelton A, MacDonald PA, Chefo S, et al:Preservation ofrenal function during gout treatment with febuxostat:aquantitative study. Postgrad Med 125:106-114, 201320) Huang Y, Li YL, Huang H, et al:Effects of Hyperuricemiaon Renal Function of Renal Transplant Recipients:A SystematicReview and Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies. PLoSOne 7:e39457, 201221) Kohagura K, Kochi M, Miyagi T, et al:An associationbetween uric acid levels and renal arteriolopathy in chronickidney disease:a biopsy-based study. Hypertens Res 36:43-49, 201322) Hart A, Jackson S, Kasiske BL, et al:Uric acid and allograftloss from interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy:post hoc analysisfrom the angiotensin Ⅱ blockade in chronic allograftnephropathy trial. Transplantation 97:1066-1071, 201423) Hosoya T, Kimura K, Itoh S, et al:The effect of febuxostatto prevent a further reduction in renal function of patientswith hyperuricemia who have never had gout and are complicatedby chronic kidney disease stage 3:study protocolfor a multicenter randomized controlled study. Trials 15:26,2014