カレントテラピー 32-11 サンプル

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カレントテラピー 32-11 サンプル

Current Therapy 2014 Vol.32 No.11 39疫学研究におけるCKDと心血管疾患1091究の成果を基に適切な対応を検討することが必要である.CKDでは蛋白尿とeGFR低下は病態が異なり,CVDでも冠動脈疾患と脳卒中,うっ血性心不全では病態が異なる.蛋白尿は主に血管内皮障害,eGFR低下は主に動脈硬化を反映しているとされる.CKD診療においては,蛋白尿およびeGFRそれぞれに対する個別の対応がCKD患者の予後改善につながる可能性がある.また,現在進行中の国際的協同研究(Kidney Disease:Improving Global Outcomes,KDIGO)により,わが国の特徴が明らかとなり,さらなる臨床研究へと発展することが期待される.参考文献1)Go AS, Chertow GM, Fan D, et al:Chronic kidney diseaseand the risks of death, cardiovascular events, and hospitalization.N Engl J Med 351:1296-1305, 20042)日本透析医学会統計調査委員会:わが国の慢性透析療法の現況.日本透析医学会,20133)日本透析医学会:血液透析患者における心血管合併症の評価と治療に関するガイドライン.透析会誌 44:337-425, 20114)日本透析医学会:透析患者における二次性副甲状腺機能亢進症治療ガイドライン.透析会誌 39:1435-1455, 20065)Imai E, Horio M, Watanabe T, et al:Prevalence of chronickidney disease in the Japanese general population. Clin ExpNephrol 13:621-630, 20096)二宮利治,清原 裕:V.慢性腎臓病と各種疾患1.心血管疾患.日内会誌 96:887-893, 20077)Iseki K, Asahi K, Moriyama T, et al:Risk factor profilesbased on estimated glomerular filtration rate and dipstickproteinuria among participants of the Specific Health Checkand Guidance System in Japan 2008. Clin Exp Nephrol 16:244-249, 20128)Nagai K, Yamagata K, Ohkubo R, et al:Annual decline inestimated glomerular filtration rate is a risk factor for cardiovascularevents independent of proteinuria. Nephrology(Carlton),2014(Epub ahead of print)9)Ninomiya T, Kiyohara Y, Kubo M, et al:Chronic kidney diseaseand cardiovascular disease in a general Japanese population:the Hisayama Study. Kidney Int 68:228-236, 200510)Irie F, Iso H, Sairenchi T, et al:The relationships of proteinuria,serum creatinine, glomerular filtration rate with cardiovasculardisease mortality in Japanese general population.Kidney Int 69:1264-1271, 200611)Nakayama M, Metoki H, Terawaki H, et al:Kidney dysfunctionas a risk factor for first symptomatic stroke events in ageneral Japanese population- -the Ohasama study. NephrolDial Transplant 22:1910-1915, 200712)Nagata M, Ninomiya T, Kiyohara Y, et al;EPOCH-JAPANResearch Group:Prediction of cardiovascular disease mortalityby proteinuria and reduced kidney function:pooled analysisof 39,000 individuals from 7 cohort studies in Japan. AmJ Epidemiol 178:1-11, 201313)Nakayama M, Sato T, Sato H, et al:Different clinical outcomesfor cardiovascular events and mortality in chronic kidneydisease according to underlying renal disease:the Gonryostudy. Clin Exp Nephrol 14:333-339, 201014)Nakayama M, Sato T, Miyazaki M, et al:Increased risk ofcardiovascular events and mortality among non -diabeticchronic kidney disease patients with hypertensive nephropathy:the Gonryo study. Hypertens Res 34:1106-1110, 201115)中山昌明:CKDの疫学,CKD患者のCVD発症は原疾患によって差があるのでしょうか? CKD診療ガイド2012Q&A.(今井圓裕編),pp36-37, 診断と治療社,東京,201316)Ikizler TA, Cano NJ, Franch H, et al;International Societyof Renal Nutrition and Metabolism:Prevention and treatmentof protein energy wasting in chronic kidney diseasepatients:a consensus statement by the International Societyof Renal Nutrition and Metabolism. Kidney Int 84:1096-1107, 201317)Stenvinkel P, Jani AH, Johnson RJ:Hibernating bears(Ursidae):metabolic magicians of definite interest for thenephrologist. Kidney Int 83:207-212, 201318)Tozawa M, Iseki C, Tokashiki K, et al:Metabolic syndromeand risk of developing chronic kidney disease in Japaneseadults. Hypertens Res 30:937-943, 200719)Wakasugi M, Kazama JJ, Yamamoto S, et al:A combinationof healthy lifestyle factors is associated with a decreased incidenceof chronic kidney disease:a population-based cohortstudy. Hypertens Res 36:328-333, 201320)Yamagata K, Makino H, Akizawa T, et al;Advisory Committeefor FROM-J:Design and methods of a strategic outcomestudy for chronic kidney disease:Frontier of RenalOutcome Modifications in Japan. Clin Exp Nephrol 14:144-151, 2010