カレントテラピー 31-11 サンプル

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カレントテラピー 31-11 サンプル

Current Therapy 2013 Vol.31 No.11 13リスクとしての頸動脈プラーク11054)Nagano K, Yamagami H, Tsukamoto Y, et al:Quantitativeevaluation of carotid plaque echogenicity by integrated backscatteranalysis:correlation with symptomatic history andhistological findings. Cerebrovasc Dis 26:578-583, 20085)Sakaguchi M, Kitagawa K, Nagai Y, et al:Equivalence ofplaque score and intima-media thickness of carotid ultrasonographyfor predicting severe coronary artery lesion. UltrasoundMed Biol 29:367-371, 20036)Nagai Y, Metter EJ, Earley CJ, et al:Increased carotidartery intimal-medial thickness in asymptomatic older subjectswith exercise-induced myocardial ischemia. Circulation98:1504-1509, 19987)Shimizu Y, Kitagawa K, Nagai Y, et al:Carotid atherosclerosisas a risk factor for complex aortic lesions in patients withischemic cerebrovascular disease. Circ J 67:597-600, 20038)O’Leary DH, Polak JF, Kronmal RA, et al:Carotid -arteryintima and media thickness as a risk factor for myocardialinfarction and stroke in older adults:Cardiovascular HealthStudy Collaborative Research Group. N Engl J Med 340:14-22, 19999)Chambless LE, Heiss G, Folsom AR, et al:Association of coronaryheart disease incidence with carotid arterial wall thicknessand major risk factors:The Atherosclerosis risk incommunities(ARIC)Study. 1987-1993. Am J Epidemiol146:483-494, 199710)Bots ML, Hoes AW, Koudstaal PJ, et al:Common carotidintima-media thickness and risk of stroke and myocardialinfarction:The Rotterdam Study. Circulation 96:1432-1437,199711)Lorenz MW, Markus HS, Bots ML, et al:Prediction of clinicalcardiovascular events with carotid intima -media thickness:a systematic review and meta -analysis. Circulation115:459-467, 200712)Kitagawa K, Hougaku H, Yamagami Y, et al;OSACA2Study Group:Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Risk ofCardiovascular Events in High-Risk Patients - Results of theOsaka Follow - up Study for Carotid Atherosclerosis 2(OSACA2 Study).Cerebrovasc Dis 24:35-42, 200713)Honda O, Sugiyama S, Kugiyama K, et al:Echolucent carotidplaques predict future coronary events in patients with coronaryartery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 43:1177-1184, 200414)田所靖啓,岡崎周平,古門成隆ほか:動脈硬化ハイリスク患者における頸動脈プラーク超音波輝度と心血管病発症の関連.Neurosonology 26(Supplement):61, 201315)Amarenco P, Labreuche J, Lavallee P, et al:Statins in strokeprevention and carotid atherosclerosis:systematic reviewand up-to-date meta-analysis. Stroke 35:2902-2909, 200416)Yamagami H, Sakaguchi M, Furukado S, et al:Statin therapyincreases carotid plaque echogenicity in hypercholesterolemicpatients. Ultrasound Med Biol 34:1353-1359, 200817)Pitt B, Byington RP, Furberg CD, et al:Effect of amlodipineon the progression of atherosclerosis and the occurrence ofclinical events. PREVENT Investigators. Circulation 102:1503-1510, 200018)Lonn EM, Yusuf S, Dzavik V, et al;SECURE Investigators:Effects of ramipril and vitamin E on atherosclerosis. Thestudy to evaluate carotid ultrasound changes in patientstreated with ramipril and vitamin E(SECURE). Circulation103:919-925, 200119)Mazzone T, Meyer PM, Feinstein SB, et al:Effect of pioglitazonecompared with glimepiride on carotid intima-mediathickness in type 2 diabetes:a randomized trial. JAMA296:2572-2581, 200620)Lorenz MW, Polak JF, Kavousi M, et al;PROG-IMT StudyGroup:Carotid intima-media thickness progression to predictcardiovascular events in the general population(thePROG-IMT collaborative project):a meta-analysis of individualparticipant data. Lancet 379:2053-2062, 2012