カレントテラピー 30-7 サンプル

カレントテラピー 30-7 サンプル page 15/30


このページは カレントテラピー 30-7 サンプル の電子ブックに掲載されている15ページの概要です。

経口薬とGLP-1受容体作動薬の作用機序と治療のエビデンスproperties and tissue selectivity. Diabetes Res Clin Pract66:S75-78, 200412)Shigeto M, Katsura M, Matsuda M, et al:Nateglinide andmitiglinide, b....

経口薬とGLP-1受容体作動薬の作用機序と治療のエビデンスproperties and tissue selectivity. Diabetes Res Clin Pract66:S75-78, 200412)Shigeto M, Katsura M, Matsuda M, et al:Nateglinide andmitiglinide, but not sulfonylureas, induce insulin serectionthrough a mechanism mediated by calcium release fromendoplasmic reticulum. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 322:1 -7,200713)McKillop AM, Duffy NA, Lindsay JR, et al:Insulinotropicactions of nateglinide in type 2 diabetic patients and effectson dipeptidyl peptidase -Ⅳactivity and glucose -dependentinsulinotropic polypeptide degradation. Eur J Endocrinol161:877-885, 200914)Maedler K, Carr RD, Bosco D, et al:Sulfonylurea inducedβcell apoptosis in cultured human islets. J Clin EndocrinolMetab 90:501-506, 200515)Mine T, Miura K, Kajioka T, et al:Suppressive Effect ofNateglinide on High Fat Diet-induced Hepatic Accumulationof Triglycerides in Goto-Kakizaki Rats. Prog Med 25:1125 -1132, 200516)Boni -Schnetzler M, Thorne J, Parnaud G, et al:Increasedinterleukin(IL)-1beta messenger ribonucleic acid expressionin beta -cells of individuals with type 2 diabetes and regulationof IL -1beta in human islets by glucose and autostimulation.J Clin Endocrinol Metab 93:4065-4074, 200817)Satoh J, Takahashi K, Takizawa Y, et al:Secondary sulfonylureafailure:comparison of period until insulin treatmentbetween diabetic patients treated with gliclazide and glibenclamide.Diabetes Res Clin Pract 70:291 -297, 200518)Nathan DM, Buse JB, Davidson MB, et al;AmericanDiabetes Association;European Association for Study ofDiabetes:Medical management of hyperglycemia in type 2diabetes:a consensus algorithm for the initiation and adjustmentof therapy:a consensus statement of the AmericanDiabetes Association and European Association for the Studyof Diabetes. Diabetes Care 32:193 -203, 200919)Holman RR, Paul SK, Bethel MA, et al:10-year follow-up ofintensive glucose control in type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med359:1577-1589, 200820)Patel A, MacMahon S, Chalmers J, et al;ADVANCECollaborative Group:Intensive blood glucose control andvascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes. N Engl JMed 358:2560-2572, 200821)Holman RR, Haffner SM, McMurray JJ, et al;The NAVIGA-TOR Study Group:Effect of Nateglinide on the incidence ofdiabetes and cardiovascular events. N Engl J Med 362:1463 -1476, 201022)日本糖尿病学会編:糖尿病治療ガイド2012 -2013.p46 -47,文光堂,東京,201223)日本糖尿病学会編:糖尿病専門医研修ガイドブック改訂第5版.p121,診断と治療社,東京,2012Current Therapy 2012 Vol.30 No.762939