カレントテラピー 30-6サンプル

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ンの前処置によりその効果が失われたので,迷走神経を介しての機序が想定される6).さらに,Gilらは,迷走神経刺激で摂食抑制,体重減少が認められ,血中のネスファチン1も増加することを報告した19).迷走神経とネスファチン1の関連は,今後も大きなトピックとなる可能性があると思われる.したがって,ネスファチン1抵抗性のある肥満者においても,ネスファチン1の皮下投与などにより,迷走神経を介して摂食中枢へ働きかけ,肥満状態の改善へ向けて代謝状態が変化していくことが期待されるので,今後の臨床的な検討が待たれる.Ⅶネスファチンの新展開ネスファチン自体には摂食抑制作用は見いだされていない6).われわれは,ネスファチンには,摂食調節と全く関連性のない独自の生理的機能が存在する可能性を見いだした.ネスファチンは,フォスファターゼ活性を抑制し,上皮成長因子(epidermalgrowth factor:EGF)刺激による細胞外シグナル調節キナーゼ(extracellular signal -regulatedkinase:Erk)のリン酸化を増強させ,細胞増殖を促進させることを発見した(投稿中).そして近年,ネスファチンは乳癌組織において過剰発現をしていることが報告された20).ネスファチンは単なるネスファチン1の前駆体ではなく,自身が重要な機能を担っていることが明らかにされつつある.参考文献1)Oh -I S, Shimizu H, Satoh T, et al:Identification of nesfatin-1 as a satiety molecule in the hypothalamus. Nature443:709-712, 20062)Kohno D, Nakata M, Maejima Y, et al:Nesfatin-1 neurons inparaventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the rat hypothalamuscoexpress oxytocin and vasopressin and are activatedby refeeding. Endocrinology 149:1295-1301, 20083)Maejima Y, Sedbazar U, Suyama S, et al:Nesfatin -1-regulatedoxytocinergic signaling in the paraventricular nucleuscauses anorexia through a leptin-independent melanocortinpathway. Cell Metab 10:355-365, 20094)Gonzalez R, Reingold BK, Gao X, et al:Nesfatin-1 exerts adirect, glucose -dependent insulinotropic action on mouseisletβ- and MIN6 cells. J Endocrinol 208:R9-16, 20115)Garcia -Galiano D, Navarro VM, Gaytan F, et al:Expandingroles of NUCB2/nesfatin -1 in neuroendocrine regulation. JMol Endocrinol 45:281 -290, 20106)Shimizu H, Oh -I S, Hashimoto K, et al:Peripheral administrationof nesfatin -1 reduces food intake in mice:the leptin -independent mechanism. Endocrinology 150:662-671, 20097)Li QC, Wang HY, Chen X, et al:Fasting plasma levels ofnesfatin -1 in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitusand the nutrient-related fluctuation of nesfatin-1 level innormal humans. Regul Pept 159:72-77, 20108)Ramanjaneya M, Chen J, Brown JE, et al:Identification ofnesfatin -1 in human and murine adipose tissue:a noveldepot -specific adipokine with increased levels in obesity.Endocrinology 151:3169-3180, 20109)Tsuchiya T, Shimizu H, Yamada M, et al:Fasting concentrationsof nesfatin-1 are negatively correlated with body massindex in non -obese males. Clin Endocrinol 73:484-490, 201010)Ghanbari -Niaki A, Kraemer RR, Soltani R:Plasma nesfatin-1and glucoregulatory hormone responses to two differentanaerobic exercise sessions. Eur J Appl Physiol 110:863 -868, 201011)Aydin S:The presence of the peptides apelin, ghrelin andnesfatin -1 in the human breast milk, and the lowering oftheir levels in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus.Peptides 31:2236 -2240, 201012)Ogiso K, Asakawa A, Amitani H, et al:Plasma nesfatin -1concentrations in restricting-type anorexia nervosa. Peptides32:150-153, 201113)Ari M, Ozturk OH, Bez Y, et al:High plasma nesfatin -1level in patients with major depressive disorder. Prog NeuropsychopharmacolBiol Psychiatry 35:497-500, 201114)Tan BK, Hallschmid M, Kern W, et al:Decreased cerebrospinalfluid/plasma ratio of the novel satiety molecule, nesfatin-1/NUCB -2, in obese humans:evidence of nesfatin -1/NUCB-2 resistance and implications for obesity treatment. JClin Endocrinol Metab 96:E669-673, 201115)Zegers D, Beckers S, Mertens IL, et al:Association betweenpolymorphisms of the Nesfatin gene, NUCB2, and obesity inmen. Mol Genet Metab 103:282 -286, 201116)Aydin S, Dag E, Ozkan Y, et al:Time -dependent changes inthe serum levels of prolactin, nesfatin -1 and ghrelin as amarker of epileptic attacks young male patients. Peptides32:1276 -1280, 201117)Zhang Z, Li L, Yang M, et al:Increased plasma levels of nesfatin-1in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus.Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 120:91 -95, 201218)Goebel M, Stengel A, Wang L, et al:Central nesfatin -1reduces the nocturnal food intake in mice by reducing mealsize and increasing inter-meal intervals. Peptides 32:36 -43,201119)Gil K, Bugajski A, Thor P:Electrical vagus nerve stimulationdecreases food consumption and weight gain in rats feda high-fat diet. J Physiol Pharmacol 62:637-646, 201120)Suzuki S, Takagi K, Miki Y, et al:Nucleobindin 2 in humanbreast carcinoma as a potent prognostic factor. Cancer Sci103:136 -143, 201216Current Therapy 2012 Vol.30 No.6498