カレントテラピー 29-10 サンプル

カレントテラピー 29-10 サンプル page 12/32


このページは カレントテラピー 29-10 サンプル の電子ブックに掲載されている12ページの概要です。

natriuretic peptide concentration in patients with chronicsymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction. Circulation 96:509 -516, 199712)Anand IS, Fisher LD, Chiang YT, et al:Changes in brainnatriuretic....

natriuretic peptide concentration in patients with chronicsymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction. Circulation 96:509 -516, 199712)Anand IS, Fisher LD, Chiang YT, et al:Changes in brainnatriuretic peptide and norepinephrine over time and mortalityand morbidity in the Valsartan Heart Failure Trial(Val -HeFT). Circulation 107:1278-1283, 200313)Yanagisawa M, Inoue A, Ishikawa T, et al:Primary structure,synthesis, and biological activity of rat endothelin, anendothelium -derived vasoconstrictor peptide. Proc NatlAcad Sci U S A 85:6964-6967, 198814)Sakurai T, Yanagisawa M, Masaki T:Molecular characterizationof endothelin receptors. Trends Pharmacol Sci 13:103 -108, 199215)Tsutamoto T, Wada A, Maeda Y, et al:Relation betweenendothelin-1 spillover in the lungs and pulmonary vascularresistance in patients with chronic heart failure. J Am CollCardiol 23:1427 -1433, 199416)Neuhold S, Huelsmann M, Strunk G, et al:Comparison ofcopeptin, B -type natriuretic peptide, and amino -terminalpro -B -type natriuretic peptide in patients with chronicheart failure:prediction of death at different stages of thedisease. J Am Coll Cardiol 52:266-272, 200817)Gheorghiade M, Niazi I, Ouyang J, et al:VasopressinV2 -receptor blockade with tolvaptan in patients with chronicheart failure:results from a double -blind, randomizedtrial. Circulation 107:2690-2696, 200318)Nagaya N, Satoh T, Nishikimi T, et al:Hemodynamic, renal,and hormonal effects of adrenomedullin infusion in patientswith congestive heart failure. Circulation 101:498-503, 200019)Kato J, Kobayashi K, Etoh T, et al:Plasma adrenomedullinconcentration in patients with heart failure. J Clin EndocrinolMetab 81:180 -183, 199612892