カレントテラピー 35-1 サンプル

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カレントテラピー 35-1 サンプル

12 Current Therapy 2017 Vol.35 No.112Ⅶ おわりに近年の治療の進歩により,糖尿病患者の末期腎不全発症率は減少傾向にあるかもしれない.しかし,general populationと比較するとその発症率は依然として高率である.さらに,腎症進展とともに心血管病・糖尿病網膜症の合併は増加していく.このような現況を踏まえると,糖尿病性腎症の対策にはいまだ多くの課題が残されていると言わざるを得ず,今後の残余リスクの病態解明が必須と考えられる.参考文献1) Gregg EW, Li Y, Wang J, et al:Changes in diabetes-relatedcomplications in the United States, 1990-2010. N Engl J Med370:1514-1523, 20142) Afkarian M, Zelnick LR, Hall YN, et al:Clinical Manifestationsof Kidney Disease Among US Adults With Diabetes,1988-2014. JAMA 316:602-610, 20163) 石井晶子,大竹瑞保,馬場園哲也:糖尿病性腎症の早期管理の重要性とその実際.Medical Practice 18:1647-1651, 20014) Yokoyama H, Kawai K, Kobayashi M;Japan Diabetes ClinicalData Management Study Group:Microalbuminuria iscommon in Japanese type 2 diabetic patients:a nationwidesurvey from the Japan Diabetes Clinical Data ManagementStudy Group(JDDM 10). Diabetes Care 30:989-992, 20075) Adler AI, Stevens RJ, Manley SE, et al;UKPDS GROUP:Development and progression of nephropathy in type 2 diabetes:The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study(UKPDS 64). Kidney Int 63:225-232, 20036) Araki S, Haneda M, Sugimoto T, et al:Factors associatedwith frequent remission of microalbuminuria in patients withtype 2 diabetes. Diabetes 54:2983-2987, 20057) Toya K, Babazono T, Hanai K, et al:Association of serumbilirubin levels with development and progression of albuminuria,and decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate inpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Invest 5:228-235, 20148) Mollsten A, Svensson M, Waernbaum I, et al;Swedish ChildhoodDiabetes Study Group;Diabetes Incidence Study inSweden;Swedish Renal Registry:Cumulative risk, age atonset, and sex-specific differences for developing end-stagerenal disease in young patients with type 1 diabetes:anationwide population -based cohort study. Diabetes 59:1803-1808, 20109) Otani T, Yokoyama H, Ohashi Y, et al:Improved incidenceof end-stage renal disease of type 1 diabetes in Japan, from ahospital-based survey. BMJ Open Diabetes Research Care4:e000177, 201610) Ninomiya T, Perkovic V, de Galan BE, et al;ADVANCE CollaborativeGroup:Albuminuria and kidney function independentlypredict cardiovascular and renal outcomes in diabetes.J Am Soc Nephrol 20:1813-1821, 200911) Bouchi R, Babazono T, Yoshida N, et al:Association of albuminuriaand reduced estimated glomerular filtration ratewith incident stroke and coronary artery disease in patientswith type 2 diabetes. Hypertens Res 33:1298-1304, 201012) Chaturvedi N, Porta M, Klein R, et al;DIRECT ProgrammeStudy Group:Effect of candesartan on prevention(DIRECTPrevent1)and progression(DIRECT -Protect 1)of retinopathyin type 1 diabetes:randomised, placebo-controlledtrials. Lancet 372:1394-1402, 200813) Sjolie AK, Klein R, Porta M, et al;DIRECT ProgrammeStudy Group:Effect of candesartan on progression andregression of retinopathy in type 2 diabetes(DIRECT-Protect2):a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 372:1385-1393, 200814) Mauer M, Zinman B, Gardiner R, et al:Renal and retinaleffects of enalapril and losartan in type 1 diabetes. N Engl JMed 361:40-51, 200915) Jeng CJ, Hsieh YT, Yang CM, et al:Diabetic Retinopathy inPatients with Diabetic Nephropathy:Development and Progression.PLoS ONE 11:e0161897, 2016