カレントテラピー 35-1 サンプル

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カレントテラピー 35-1 サンプル

64 Current Therapy 2017 Vol.35 No.164Ⅵ おわりに糖尿病腎症における蛋白質制限の意義とその課題について概説した.蛋白質制限は,腎症の進展を阻止する可能性があるが,蛋白質制限(特に厳格あるいは高度な蛋白質制限)に伴う全アミノ酸の制限はサルコペニア・フレイルを含む栄養的問題の可能性が危惧される.したがって,現時点では,腎症に対する食事療法としての蛋白質制限は,その画一的な指導は不適切であり,個々の年齢・栄養状態・アドヒアランス・心血管疾患のリスクなどを考慮して行う必要がある.また蛋白質制限を含む栄養療法の腎保護効果はいまだ不明な点が多いため,さらなる詳細な機序の解明が必要である.参考文献1) 日本糖尿病学会:糖尿病治療ガイド2016-2017.文光堂,東京,20162) Halbesma N, Bakker SJ, Jansen DF, et al;PREVEND StudyGroup:High protein intake associates with cardiovascularevents but not with loss of renal function. J Am Soc Nephrol20:1797-1804, 20093) Walrand S, Short KR, Bigelow ML, et al:Functional impactof high protein intake on healthy elderly people. Am J PhysiolEndocrinol Metab 295:E921-E928, 20084) Knight EL, Stampfer MJ, Hankinson SE, et al:The impact ofprotein intake on renal function decline in women with normalrenal function or mild renal insufficiency. Ann InternMed 138:460-467, 20035) Robertson L, Waugh N, Robertson A:Protein restriction fordiabetic renal disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 17:CD002181, 20076) Koya D, Haneda M, Inomata S, et al;Low -Protein DietStudy Group:Long-term effect of modification of dietaryprotein intake on the progression of diabetic nephropathy:arandomised controlled trial. Diabetologia 52:2037-2045, 20097) Pan Y, Guo LL, Jin HM:Low -protein diet for diabeticnephropathy:a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Am J Clin Nutr 88:660-666, 20088) Hansen HP, Tauber-Lassen E, Jensen BR, et al:Effect ofdietary protein restriction on prognosis in patients with diabeticnephropathy. Kidney Int 62:220-228, 20029) Nezu U, Kamiyama H, Kondo Y, et al:Effect of low-proteindiet on kidney function in diabetic nephropathy:meta-analysisof randomised controlled trials. BMJ Open 3:e002934,201310) Ideura T, Shimazui M, Morita H, et al:Protein intake ofmore than 0.5 g/kg BW/day is not effective in suppressingthe progression of chronic renal failure. Contrib Nephrol155:40-49, 200711) 島居美幸,出浦照國:糖尿病腎症と慢性腎臓病(CKD)低蛋白食は0.5~0.6g/kg/日以下でなければ腎保護効果は期待できないPros 糖尿病腎症の進行抑制,透析療法導入遅延に対して効果的な蛋白質制限量は? 糖尿診療マスター 6:408-415, 200812) Pupim LB, Cuppari L, Ikizler TA:Nutrition and metabolismin kidney disease. Semin Nephrol 26:134-157, 200613) Brenner BM:Hemodynamically mediated glomerular injuryand the progressive nature of kidney disease. Kidney Int23:647-655, 198314) Kitada M, Kanasaki K, Koya D:Clinical therapeutic strategiesfor early stage of diabetic kidney disease. World J Diabetes5:342-356, 201415) Cherney DZ, Perkins BA, Soleymanlou N, et al:Renal hemodynamiceffect of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitionin patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Circulation 129:587-597, 201416) Wanner C, Inzucchi SE, Lachin JM, et al;EMPA-REG OUTCOMEInvestigators:Empagliflozin and Progression of KidneyDisease in Type 2 Diabetes. N Engl J Med 375:323-334, 201617) Risdon RA, Sloper JC, De Wardener HE:Relationshipbetween renal function and histological changes found inrenal-biopsy specimens from patients with persistent glomerularnephritis. Lancet 2:363-366, 196818) 日本腎臓学会:CKD診療ガイド2012.東京医学社,東京,201219) Kanno H, Kanda E, Sato A, et al:Estimation of daily proteinintake based on spot urine urea nitrogen concentration inchronic kidney disease patients. Clin Exp Nephrol 20:258-264, 201620) Kitada M, Ogura Y, Suzuki T, et al:A very -low-proteindiet ameliorates advanced diabetic nephropathy throughautophagy induction by suppression of the mTORC1 pathwayin Wistar fatty rats, an animal model of type 2 diabetesand obesity. Diabetologia 59:1307-1317, 2016