カレントテラピー 34-7 サンプル

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カレントテラピー 34-7 サンプル

Current Therapy 2016 Vol.34 No.7 65NAFLD/NASH研究の最前線683も線維化進展のみならずNASH肝発癌の感受性遺伝子であることが明らかになった.さらに,われわれはNAFLD/NASHのみならずNASH肝発癌に関連する新たな遺伝子を同定しており,今後のNASH診療において重要な成果が得られたと認識している.【謝辞】本研究の一部は平成20 - 22年度まで岡上 武が研究代表者を務めた厚生労働省肝炎等緊急克服対策事業のNASH 研究班で行われたもので,研究班班員,研究協力者に心から御礼申し上げます.また追加のNAFLD, NASH肝癌症例の貴重な検体とデータを提供して下さった多くの先生方に深謝致します.GWASは京都大学大学院医学研究科附属ゲノム医学センター松田文彦教授,川口喬久先生により行われたものであり,お二人の先生に心から御礼申し上げます.参考文献1) Tilg H, Moschen AR:Evolution of inflammation in nonalcoholicfatty liver disease:the multiple parallel hits hypothesis.Hepatology 52:1836-1846, 20102) Shima T, Seki K, Umemura A, et al:Influence of lifestylerelateddiseases and age on the development and progressionof non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Hepatol Res 45:548-559, 20153) Romeo S, Kozlitina J, Xing C, et al:Genetic variation inPNPLA3 confers susceptibility to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.Nat Genet 40:1461-1465, 20084) Zain S, Mohamed R, Mahadeva S, et al:A multi -ethnicstudy of a PNPLA3 gene variant and its association with diseaseseverity in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Hum Genet131:1145-1152, 20125) Matteoni CA, Younossi ZM, Gramlich T, et al:Nonalcoholicfatty liver disease:a spectrum of clinical and pathologicalseverity. Gastroenterology 116:1413-1419, 19996) Kawaguchi T, Sumida Y, Umemura A, et al;Genetic polymorphismsof the human PNPLA3 gene are strongly associatedwith severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Japanese.PLoS One 7:e38322, 20127) Kitamoto T, Kitamoto A, Yoneda M, et al:Genome -widescan revealed that polymorphisms in the PNPLA3 , SAMM50,and PARVB genes are associated with development and progressionof nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Japan. HumGenet 132:783-792, 20138) Dongiovanni P, Anstee QM, Valenti L:Genetic predispositionin NAFLD and NASH:impact on severity of liver diseaseand response to treatment. Curr Pharm Des 19:5219-5238, 20139) Kozlitina J, Smagris E, Stender S, et al:Exome-wide associationstudy identifies a TM6SF2 variant that confers susceptibilityto nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Nat Genet 46:352-356, 201410) Liu YL, Reeves HL, Burt AD, et al:TM6SF2 rs58542926influences hepatic fibrosis progression in patients with nonalcoholicfatty liver disease. Nat Commun 5:4309, 201411) Sookoian S, Castano GO, Scian R, et al:Genetic variation intransmembrane 6 superfamily member 2 and the risk of nonalcoholicfatty liver disease and histological disease severity.Hepatology 61:515-525, 201512) Valenti L, Al-Serri A, Daly AK, et al:Homozygosity for thepatatin -like phospholipase -3/adiponutrin I148M polymorphisminfluences liver fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholicfatty liver disease. Hepatology 51:1209-1217, 201013) Hotta K, Yoneda M, Hyogo H, et al:Association of thers738409 polymorphism in PNPLA3 with liver damage andthe development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. BMCMed Genet 11:172-181, 201014) Sookoian S, Pirola CJ:Meta -analysis of the influence ofI148M variant of patatin-like phospholipase domain containing3 gene(PNPLA3)on the susceptibility and histologicalseverity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Hepatology 53:1883-1894, 201115) Singal AG, Manjunath H, Yopp AC, et al:The effect ofPNPLA3 on fibrosis progression and development of hepatocellularcarcinoma:a meta -analysis. Am J Gastroenterol109:325-334, 201416) Chen LZ, Xin YN, Geng N, et al:PNPLA3 I148M variant innonalcoholic fatty liver disease:demographic and ethniccharacteristics and the role of the variant in nonalcoholicfatty liver fibrosis. World J Gastroenterol 21:794-802, 201517) Liu YL, Patman GL, Leathart JB, et al:Carriage of thePNPLA3 rs738409 C >G polymorphism confers an increasedrisk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease associated hepatocellularcarcinoma. J Hepatol 61:75-81, 201418) Hassan MM, Kaseb A, Etzel CJ, et al:Genetic variation inthe PNPLA3 gene and hepatocellular carcinoma in USA:Risk and prognosis prediction. Mol Carcinog 52(Supple 1):E139-E147, 201319) Takeuchi Y, Ikeda F, Moritou Y, et al:The impact ofpatatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 polymorphismon hepatocellular carcinoma prognosis. J Gastroenterol48:405-412, 201320) Singal AG, Manjunath H, Yopp AC, et al:The effect ofPNPLA3 on fibrosis progression and development of hepatocellularcarcinoma:a meta -analysis. Am J Gastroenterol109:325-334, 2014